We have a new planter for this season, we had 2 plastic tubs for overflow plants, but they became brittle and more and more difficult to move around with out them breaking apart in your hands.
When I was cleaning out the garage I ran across the bottom from a 55 gallon drum that was used to keep kegs of beer cold, first at the farm and then when we had keg parties. Since we don't have keg parties anymore I decided to use it as a planter.
I repainted it and added handles and some hose on the rim for safety.
The handles were from the 1971 Land Rover we once had, the bolts were from the old satellite dish, the hose on rim was made useless by some cRaZy bitch who slashed the hose multiple times(I make assumptions here, but am probably correct) and I used left over paint inside and out. I glued the hose to the rim with silicon adhesive and added zip ties for a mechanical connection. I also sprayed rubberized undercoat on the inside so that the bottom doesn't rust out.
Some holes for drainage (I plan to empty it for the winters) and
voilà, from scrap to a planter which will hopefully last long enough that the kids have to throw it out.
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