Saturday, March 31, 2012

A little off-roading in NYC

Yes, but just a little. I didn't expect much of a track and I am glad that I did not have to wait long. On the map I could tell that the location was a parking lot, I wished they had used more of it, but they did a good job with the area they used. The track was decorated with city debris, chunks of fake roadway, crash barriers, 55 gallon drums and sign posts.

Available to drive were the LR4 (Discovery replacement), Range Rover, Range Rover Sport(in between the LR4 and the Range Rover) and the Range Rover Evoque. I chose to drive a Range Rover Sport and within seconds of strapping in, I accidentally hit one of the thousands of electronic knobs and buttons controlling the vehicle, first time of three. It was easy to drive and did well on the limited terrain of the track, though we did bottom out at one point. Like most cars today, too many electronic features.

You could get your picture taken by one of the older vehicles that were on display, I was photographed in front of the Camel Trophy Discovery.  I had sent in an application for one of the Camel Trophy events years ago, but I was not chosen.

1994 Land Rover Discovery
NA Land Rover Defender 110
The Discovery again, we had one and it was one of the best vehicles we have had.
The 110 again
One of the 2 big hills, short wheel base Series Land Rover on display at the top.
From left to right, Defender 90, camera lady, Range Rover and Discovery.

As a parting gift we were given a 2Gig Flash drive in the guise of a Range Rover fob and a Land Rover NA 25th Anniversary pin.

The Land Rover event was at 18th street and 10th avenue, so I also made trips to Paragon sports, B&N books, Guitar Center and the green market at Union Square. It wouldn't have been worth making the trip for just the quick off road drive.
All in all a good day out, the precipitation never was more than a drizzle so it was enjoyable strolling about.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Garden Planter

We have a new planter for this season, we had 2 plastic tubs for overflow plants, but they became brittle and more and more difficult to move around with out them breaking apart in your hands.
When I was cleaning out the garage I ran across the bottom from a 55 gallon drum that was used to keep kegs of beer cold, first at the farm and then when we had keg parties. Since we don't have keg parties anymore I decided to use it as a planter.

I repainted it and added handles and some hose on the rim for safety.
The handles were from the 1971 Land Rover we once had, the bolts were from the old satellite dish, the hose on rim was made useless by some cRaZy bitch who slashed the hose multiple times(I make assumptions here, but am probably correct) and I used left over paint inside and out. I glued the hose to the rim with silicon adhesive and added zip ties for a mechanical connection. I also sprayed rubberized undercoat on the inside so that the bottom doesn't rust out.

Some holes for drainage (I plan to empty it for the winters) and
voilà, from scrap to a planter which will hopefully last long enough that the kids have to throw it out.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Flowers

Back in January the Snowdrops were up. We had one lone snowdrop up in December and most of the other spring bulbs are now almost all blooming. Not disappointed at all about the lack of snow this winter.

Here is our witch hazel, it is past it's prime, but I thought I had already taken a few photos. It had a very pleasant fragrance. I hope to find a permanent location for it so it can get settled in and generate a lot of blooms next year.

Quite a few weekends ago we were doing some early spring cleaning in the basement sorting things into give-away, recycle, keep and garbage piles. My favorite daughter who lives in London no longer but has hopes to again soon is currently in residence with us. She initially didn't want to participate in the sorting, but once her doll house (which she had won) was slated to be torched, she gladly came down and joined in the fun.

We filled 2 contractor bags with trash, 4 boxes with give-away items, ended up with lots of paper/cardboard to recycle and other items to place at the curb hoping someone takes them before the garbage men do.

We also found a composition book with writings from my favorite daughter who goes to UMASS in Amherst, they were from third grade. Here are two poems.

Pigs are lazey, pigs are crazy. Pigs are fat, but they'r not a cat.

Some bugs can fly, but they don't sigh.
Some bite and some give light.
Bees can sting, but bees can't sing

Spring flowers from around the place (Mid March)