Travis’ 100th Annual 4th of July parade, expected to be stupendous was rather a letdown. The tragedy was of course the Gaps, there were more gaps than parade and there didn’t seem to be any new parade entries other than the Pogo Stickers and a stage coach. Even the Antique cars were down in number. A bit delayed getting the photos up, since I have been busy lately.
The mayor of our small town, Mayor Mike next to the Grand Marshal Janice Blanchard (in the red, white and blue sash). My grandfather was grand marshal one year, he wore a top hat and tails, very dapper.
Debris launch
The Local Mounties
Grand Marshal, Janice Blanchard
Volunteer Firemen
Brushfire Unit
Brass Band
Band on a truck
Clown car
Steel band on a truck
This lady has been leading her Band since forever
She runs a tight ship
This band is a bit more relaxed
Stagecoach and Hot Dog
The End
The title is a journalistic tragedy.