Not much going on around here, no major projects started or completed, no new sights seen, no big news to announce. Only thing new is that the heat came on yesterday morning for the first time this season and now it seems chilly during the day. Do I need to further insulate the attic?
The biggest accomplishment this week has been to figure out a song. The song, Fibre de Verre (fiberglass) by Paris Combo is on the CD French Café. It is sung in French and has a jazzy swing feel. A podcast translating part of the song is here, Fibre de verre translation.
I looked for chords or TAB for the song without luck, so I tried to figure it out. I think the following is pretty close. Next up, maybe some version of the Jeeves and Wooster TV series theme music by Anne Dudley.
I used the program QuickChord Ver. 1.2.7 to produce the chord charts. It is a quick and easy way to add chord charts to word documents. The program also makes it easy to modify chords and chord names.
Chords used
Major chords with root in the bass
E, D major with 5th in the bass
F7 with 5th in the bass
E7 with flat 5th in the bass
Intro - A C B Bb7(2x)
Intro solo
1. A/ B/ E/ A/ 2. A/ B/ D/ E/ 3. A/ B/ E/ A/ 4. A/ F7/ E/ A/
5. A/ E/ F7/ E/ 6. A/ B/ F7/ E/ 7. A/ B/ Bb/ E/ 8. A/ F7/ E/
A C B Bb7(2x)
Verse 1
Fibre de verre, je ne sais vibrer
Qu’en paratonnerre, je suis condamnee
A l’eclair, la foudre ephemere
Car si l’on m’aime, L’on doit me consumer
Mais demain, oui, demain, J’en fait le serment/
J’ouvrirai les yeux, Mes deux yeux, tout en grand
Sur un bel home,Un bel amant
Qui laissera ma vie sauve, Tout en m’aimant A7 C B Bb(2x)
Verse 2
1 Fibre de verre, je me suis cassee
2 Les dents, le nez, sur bien des affaires
3 De cour trop pince, De mours trop epicees
4 Car pour me plaire, Il faut me consumer
5 Mais demain, oui, demain, J’en fait le serment
6 J’ouvrirai les yeux, mes deux yeux, tout en grand
7 Sur toi, en somme, Mon bel amant
8 Toi qui assis, m’attend, Tout en m’aimant
A7 C B Bb
A7 C B E7b5 (key change)
1. C D G C 2. C D F G 3. C D G C 4. C A7 G C
Fibre de verre, je me suis allumee
Sans un éclair, Sans meme un brasier
Juste une lueur, En mon interieur
Ta chaleur, A su trouver mon cour
Mais demain, oui, demain…
thanks, I love this song, looking for piano notes, not easy. thanks for figuring this out, tiffany in germany