Another nice weekend, though I did work most of Saturday.
Took our first bike ride Saturday and I lost my Fitbit (activity monitor) so I went back and walked the paths we rode and found lots of other stuff, but not my Fitbit. Back home we tried syncing to the Fitbit and it connected, so the smart one downloaded an app to her iPhone and we searched for the glorified pedometer near the truck and in the house and we finally found it clipped to the spokes of her bike in the basement. The fit bit had been clipped in my pants pocket for our ride and must have been transferred when I unloaded the bike at home.
Sunday, we cleaned the windows and screens on the first floor. We washed the screens in the tub and dried them using the air compressor. It worked a treat. I inherited the air compressor when the farm shut down and I generally just use it to fill tires. This positive experience has got me thinking I should look for other household chores that could be made more fun using an air compressor. Drying dishes, dusting bookshelves and ceiling fans immediately spring to mind.
After we had Mimosas along with mini grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.
Now to this week's flowers;
Periwinkles, as suggested by Beverley Nichols(dead author) |
Lewesia in bud |
Grape Hyacinth |
Grecian Windflowers "Anemone blanda", West Foundation Garden
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Glory of the Snow "Chionodoxa luciliae", past its prime, also have blue which looked worse, Front Garden |
Variegated Brunnera, Front Garden |
Sweet Woodruff, Border Garden, smells great when there are a lot of blooms. |
Sweet Woodruff is used to flavor May wine, a German beverage using Rhine wine or other white dry wine.
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