Some of the many changes occurring here at the castle. Tin, paint, un-shellacing and de-flowering... if the Lilac is considered a flower that is.
Kitchen before new paint
Kitchen after new paint, the color is actually a bit darker than in the photo.
Kitchen door before
Kitchen door after
I also pulled out ye old lilac bush. We had moved some younger shoots from it to the other side of the yard and waited till they bloomed before digging up the parent. I potted up a bunch of 1 year, 2 year and some 3+ year plants. I can't see just throwing the whole plant away. I have managed to give away the bulk and only have one large specimen left.
South East corner before
Southeast corner after
Thoughts for the new space ranged from Japanese garden, water garden, cottage garden, shade garden to big green egg home. That is the Big Green Egg in the last photo, to the right of my dog's torso. I would like a heather garden, but that spot is too shady. I think we will put down the slate from a used pool table we which never put together, move the bench there and plant behind it and put some of the potted alpines and troughs around the bench.
Nice shade of blue for the kitchen - really brightens things up. And removing the olde foliage in teh backyard opens things up quite a bit. Nice! -Mike