On the whole retirement is going really well. I have a weekday schedule that includes exercise, financial education and reading. I'm not adverse to taking an afternoon nap and enjoy puttering out in the yard or down the basement. Always have something to do and always planning the next trip.
- Poughkeepsie CIA trips January and June (40th Anniversary)
- January Cassoulet at Westtown Fare and Restaurant in NY
- Cousins over (2/18 and 5/26)
- A new roof in April excellently installed
- May Trek Travel Bike Tour through the Loire Valley
- May Trip Extension to Munich to see family
- Daughter and Granddaughter 2 week May US visit (Zoo, Children's museum, bubbles and cousins)
- Multiple Conference House Pavilion outings
- New Bikes, Trek 29ER Marlin Gen 4 with disc brakes and a Verve 3
- Summer and Fall Biking Mondays, New Springville Greenway, Fort Wadsworth to Cedar Grove paths and Bloomingdale Park.
- August San Francisco trip to see The Young One.
- Sumo tournaments
- Le Tour in July
- Snug Harbor Pruning lecture
- Greenbelt Native Plant Center volunteering (5/19, 6/18, 8/3, 10/2, 11/6, 11/14, 12/6, 12/10)
- Outings with friends to NYC to see elephants, The MET, Blue SI, Brick Farm NJ
- Fabulous 11 day trip to Iceland in October.
- Whole family home for Thanksgiving
- Spur of the moment New Years trip to London
- Read 53 books
- Watched all 53 Rupert Davies, 1960s Inspector Maigret BBC TV series.
Not So Good:
- PT in Q1
- Summer of Dahlia, a big disappointment, poor flower blooms (Pacific Jewel, Genova, American Pie) and bugs
- Iceland Northern Lights viewed with the naked eye, not as vivid as seen years ago in Alaska
- Phil Liggett retires from Cycling commentating
- new gutters, disappointing installation quality
Downright Evil:
- People voting for a Celebrity President again
- Project 2025
Projects and Fixes
- 19" rack shelves for 2 bins of misc "I could do something with this" stuff
- repaired Sponge Bob clock
- repaired freezer door latch
- installed 5 new ethernet security cameras (wires inside walls) prior to new roof install
- Basement wall crack fixed, no longer leaking
- made Subaru bike carrier brackets
- Window insert for Portable AC in Nook window
- Solder repair for Patrice's copper birdbath
- Shortened new bike handlebars from 29" to 27"
- Hardware Cloth gutter guards
- Food Vacuum sealer tubing repair
- Collar ties and sistered rafter ties added to garage, one at front and one at back
- Sign stand for Santa on Vacation sign