Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dream House

The Chestnut Ale I made last week seems to have stopped fermenting. It start out bubbling away at a rapid pace, after it settled I put on the small airlock and things seem to be in suspended animation. Even if this does ferment, this will probably be my last batch, I can't make better beer than I can buy, so it isn't worth my time.
Chestnut Ale

Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout - February 2014
Smoked Wheat
Smoked Wheat - November 2013

A house in NJ that I coveted and actually could afford (even the taxes while employed) and almost wanted to buy. It was set up on a hill, had a quasi turret, garage, fireplaces, and a wood paneled library.
Entrance Hall with fireplace
Library's fireplace

Living Room, conservatory possible on the left outside the french doors

Beers in the Fridge:
Actually in the nook's pantry at cellar temperature.
The India Ale was hoppy but not too bad. I don't usually like IPAs, but I would buy this again. The 3 beers came in a package along with a pint glass and 2 coasters. Christmas came in November.

Books on the nightstand:
Purchased these recently. Turn right at Machu Picchu by Mark Adams is part biography about Hiram Bingham III, who ran across Machu Picchu while on expedition in Peru and part travelog of Mark's trip retracing Hiram's steps. A good read. The book has multiple maps (I was sold right there) and a section with quite a few photos.
The Machu Picchu Guidebook covers each of the different sections in depth, the whole complex is broken up into agricultural and urban sectors and the urban sectors split up into conjuntos (group of buildings surrounded by a wall). The urban sectors were also split by upper and lower class usage. Other sections of the guide book cover hikes up the 2 mountains that bookend Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Mountain and Huayna Picchu mountain and the hike to the Gate of the Sun (Intipunku). Of the 2 mountains, Machu Picchu is easier, Huayna Picchu has many steep sections and sheer drops. The Gate of the Sun is where hikers who come to Machu Picchu via the Inca Trail enter.
Here is a Travel? Why Not! Post for Peru.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Taking Care of Buisness

Estate Management:
Raked leaves on my property again. Some years someone pushes their leaves up against my garage. Just purchased a new vac/mulcher with a metal impeller. It is awesome. It make cool sounds when you vacuum up tiny rocks.
This squirrel is taking his chances in the Forest pas d'entretien. It is inhabited by C.O.U.S, cats of unusual size, they are quite mangy too.
Garlic in the ground, planted 10 rows of 8 cloves on October 12 and 20 of the smaller cloves in a tighter bunch off to the left. I now have them covered with burlap. To the right of the bricks I have spinach growing.
 My homage to the Zen garden, the new house color is in the background.

Current Blooms:
 Heather Gold Button
 Another heather
 Fall blooming crocus

Beers in the Fridge:
Will be making Chestnut Ale tomorrow in preparation for Christmas and a visit by the Eldest, and maybe the Young One?
But for now, cooler weather calls for darker beers and what's darker than stout?
This is almost too sweet for me but it is well balanced, has a chocolatey nose, remnants of hopscotch, low particulate matter and most importantly it contains alcohol.
I like Samuel Smith's stuff, this Imperial Stout comes in at 7% ABV (alcohol by volume). Don't tell anyone, but when I get the larger 18.7 oz "Victorian Pint" size I drink half and put a cork in it for later consumption. 
Also picked up an Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbeer Urbock, which I see from an earlier post that I liked the Marzen better.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sunday School Picnic Set List

About 100 years ago I was playing in a band that was supposed to play at an Oktoberfest. Due to inclement weather we could not play in the outdoor location desired and were given a chance to play in the big tent. Because of some most of the song content and planned decibel level we gracefully declined.

In honor of that missed opportunity I have come up with a set list approved for little Sunday School kiddies, their uptight moms and closed minded fathers.
  1. Too Drunk to F**K, by The Dead Kennedys, I played this song in a punk band "The Yungsters"
  2. Detachable Penis, King Missile, A new Christmas favorite of mine.
  3. C**K in my Pocket. Iggy Pop, this was one of the songs that kept us out of the Oktoberfest Tent.
  4. Dance MotherF**Ker Dance, Violent Femmes, they played on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but neither of these songs.
  5. Add It Up, Violent Femmes (take my word on it)
  6. Closer, Nine Inch Nails
  7. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke jr., Pharrell Williams, more for the video rather than the lyrics, but the content is controversial anyway. I just like the bass line and rarely pay attention to lyrics anyway.
  8. I Love the Dead, Alice Cooper, no rude words, just rude implications
  9. Big Balls, AC/DC. Come on now is balls really a bad word. Should they have said Big Fêtes.
* Not Safe For Work