The crocus are just about done. I would have been mad if we had been away this past week. They had been opening all week with the warm weather and most are now gone with the exception of some in the shade in the backyard. The daffodils snuck up on me, I didn’t notice that they were open until Friday evening.
Also blooming are some “Glory of the Snow”.
Missing though is the lone Winter Aconite, I looked and looked, but didn’t find it. Queued up are the blue hyacinth, the Siberian squill, the anemone blanda(Grecian windflowers) and the grape hyacinth.
Did some work in the yard today since it was the first real nice weekend. Moved the 2 raised vegetable gardens and the compost over about a foot and a half to make room for a red stemmed dogwood in the back corner. The dogwood will be near where the green pot is in the left side of the photo. The lilac is in the center of this small garden and there are 2 types of periwinkle sharing the garden, one with green leaves with purple flowers and one with variegated leaves and blue flowers. There is also a lot of sweet Woodruff just sprouting around the lilac. To the right in the picture is a blue hydrangea.The dog stayed out with me almost the whole time. We had taken her to the dog park this morning for the first time in about 2 months and she was very tired.